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Boundary Setting For Parents

10/13/13 – A few months ago my son asked if he could have a candy bar after dinner for dessert. My wife and I reminded him that he’d already had candy two…Read More

Crazy Makers

7/31/11 – “The Buddha’s compassion is perfectly equal and impartial.  The Buddha views all beings as his own children and strives to elevate them to attain his same enlightened state of life. …Read More

The Problem With Turning The Other Cheek

10/10/10 – In a previous post, The Three Realms Of Confidence, I told a story from my childhood (how I was bullied in seventh grade because I was Jewish) to introduce the…Read More

an adult holds a baby's hand

How Touching Saves Lives

10/3/10 – When I was a fourth-year medical student, I once did a month-long rotation in the ER. One night a woman came in who we decided needed some lab work. When…Read More

Why We Don’t Know Better

2/7/10 – Several years ago, someone I know told me he was contemplating divorcing his wife.  I wasn’t surprised.  He’d been unhappy in the marriage for some time—and, in my opinion, with…Read More

bride and groom holding hands with flowers

How I Met And Married My Wife

1/24/10 – I’m the eldest of four boys. In 2002, my second-youngest brother and his wife announced they were going to have a baby. The news absolutely floored me. This would be…Read More

Letting Go

9/13/09 – Last week my 18 month-old son, Cruise, started Montessori preschool.  The first three days my wife and I dropped him off he cried so hard he could hardly catch his…Read More