My Father Is Dying header image

an arm lying on a bed with glasses

My Father Is Dying

11/23/14 – Somewhere around 2004 or so—I no longer remember the exact year—my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. We’d been wondering why his legs had been feeling weak, and at first…Read More

Transitioning To Illness

10/17/10 – Sickness, in Buddhism, is considered one of the four inescapable sufferings of life.  I’ve described some of my own misadventures with it in a previous post, Overcoming The Fear Of…Read More

rocket launching into space

The Importance Of Having A Mission

9/20/09 – We’re all meaning-seeking creatures, rousing ourselves up out of bed on different days for different reasons—one day to pass a test, the next to help a troubled friend, the next…Read More

a sword hilt gleams in the sun

The Double-Edged Sword Of Attachment

6/14/09 – Almost ten years ago, my 15-month-old son developed a fever to 103.5 F.  Usually a champion sleeper, that night he woke several times with a frenetic look in his eyes…Read More

two people holding hands

What Compassion Is

5/17/09 – The other day I was out walking my son in his stroller when a homeless woman approached me asking for money. I’d seen her before in the neighborhood many times,…Read More

pouring a glass of alcohol

Your Neighbor Is An Alcoholic

5/10/09 – My patient smiled a toothless grin and told me, “I feel fine, doc.” But he was far from it. His liver enzymes had risen into the thousands, his skin was…Read More

a hand grounds compounds with a pestle

Changing Poison Into Medicine

2/22/09 – What’s the worst problem you have right now? Have you lost your home? Your job? Have you watched your savings diminish before your eyes as I have mine? Or are you facing…Read More