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a man and woman hold hands

Preventing Compassion Fatigue

9/16/12 – I vividly remember the first day my medical school classmates and I met our cadavers in the anatomy lab. Large body bags lay on metal tables that had been bolted…Read More

hands shaping a clay bowl

How To Pull Good Things Out Of Others

3/18/12 – Who we are turns out to be largely a function of who we’re with. Have you ever noticed, for example, how you feel and behave one way with your family…Read More

The Benefit Of Sadness

3/4/12 – The other day, my almost-four-year-old son said to me, “Daddy, I’m sad.” “Why?” I asked him. He shrugged, unclear himself. “Is is because it’s a school day?” I asked. He…Read More

Dependent Origination

5/30/10 – The other week while my wife and I were out jogging we watched a couple in front of us walk across the street against a red light, blissfully unconcerned as…Read More