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Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss (And Its Other Health Benefits)

4/9/17 – In recent years, interest in intermittent fasting—that is, not eating at all for a certain number of days per week—has been increasing. Intermittent fasting (IF) has been practiced worldwide based…Read More

The Middle Age Spread And How To Combat It

9/7/14 – The reason so many people gain weight as they enter middle age is no mystery: if, as an example, you only eat 50 extra calories per day over a period of…Read More

woman in bed stepping on a scale

The Truth About How To Lose Weight

3/29/09 – My patient, Mrs. Withers (not her real name), was forty-five and morbidly obese. “I swear I’ve cut my calories down to almost nothing,” she told me, “but I haven’t lost…Read More