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a bowl of curry on a table

Turmeric (Curcumin) for Improving Memory and Possibly Preventing Dementia

7/14/18 – A recent study argues that a particular form of highly-absorbable turmeric improves memory in non-demented middle-aged adults and may even prevent the development of dementia. Curcumin is an Indian herb…Read More

a person with her hand up

Knowing When To Stop

6/5/11 – “When do we stop?” my patient’s son asked me. “That’s really hard to know,” I answered. We were discussing when to stop medical interventions in hopes of trying to save…Read More

post-it note on a cork board

How To Remember Things

6/7/09 – I once came up with a metaphor I thought perfectly captured the sheer mass of material my classmates and I were expected to memorize in our first two years of…Read More